
Menampilkan postingan dari 2018

Uncommon Words - Softskill

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 There are many uncommon, archaic, obsolete and dialectal words (especially from the dialects of the United Kingdom) which might cause confusion to readers and may make a passage of text appear unwieldy. As well as in medicine, one example is the experts or medical specialists who are rarely heard in public. My task this time using a specialist in medicine that I have not known before.       1. Andrologist = Spesialis Reproduksi Laki-laki 2. Audiologist = Spesialis Telinga 3. Alienist = Dokter Jiwa        4. Cardiologist = Spesialis Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah         5. Digestive Surgeon = Spesialis Bedah Saluran Pencernaan         6. General Practicioner = Dokter Umum  7. Gynecologist = Dokter Ahli Kandungan 8. Locum = Dokter Pengganti 9. Nefrolog...